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The Good Wife Recap with Spoilers Alicia Framed For Stealing Election: Season 6 Episode 19 Wi

The Good Wife Recap with Spoilers - Alicia Framed For Stealing Election: Season 6 Episode 19 "Winning Ugly"

Tonight on CBS The Good Wife starring Julianna Margulies continues with an all new Sunday April 12, season 6 episode 19 called, “Winning Ugly” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Potential voter fraud is discovered in the State’s Attorney election, and Eli [Alan Cumming] and Alicia [Julianna Margulies] take steps to stop a recount by enlisting the help of a well-respected civil rights lawyer.

On the last episode, still reeling from the cyber-hack at her law firm, Alicia was ambushed with questions about her leaked emails during a television interview. Meanwhile, Diane took on a case that pits her sympathies towards gay marriage against the rights of religious freedom. Also, an investigator started looking into the evidence Diane used to get Cary out of prison. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “When potential voter fraud is discovered in the State’s Attorney election, Eli and Alicia take steps to stop a recount by enlisting the help of a well-respected civil rights lawyer, Spencer Randolph (Ron Rifkin. Also, Diane learns she unwittingly submitted false evidence in Cary’s case”

Tonight’s season 6 episode 19 looks like it is going to be great and we’ll be updating it live for you beginning 9PM EST.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Tonight’s episode of The Good Wife kicks off with Alicia sitting at home watching the news – they are reporting the alleged voter’s fraud – there was an issue with the touch-screen voting booths. The news anchor says that everyone is disappointed in Alicia and regretting electing her as states attorney because of the emails leaked between her and Will. Alicia’s daughter comes in to the livingroom and she changed the channel.

Eli meets with Kent and he hands him a micro-chip – he warns Eli that they are investigating the election. They found the micro-chip in the voting machine, it was programmed to override votes in the 12th precinct. Eli rushes to Alicia’s office and kicks Marissa out – he tells her about the microchip. He has no idea who planted the chip, he thinks it may have been Redmayne. Prady is going to demand a recount, Eli tells Alicia to reach out to him and convince him that he “doesn’t want to win that way.”

Alicia heads out to a diner for coffee – the waitress serves her and demands to know if the rumors are true and she “screwed her boss.” After arguing with the waitress, a man named Parillo joins Alicia. He informs her that he has come on behalf of Frank Prady – he tells her that Frank is not going to meet her, and he is going to prove that she stole the election and cheated.

Diane is meeting with Wiley regarding Cary’s court case – he was finishing his report and tells her that there was a problem with the metadata that she submitted in court. He reveals to her that the data indicates that Prima deleted the email from the Canadian authorities – but he couldn’t have because he was on the stand at the time.

Diane is confused, Wiley informs her that she submitted fake evidence to court. She orders him to leave her office. Once Wiley is out of sight she storms in to Kalinda’s office and demands to know if she faked the metadata. Kalinda tries to explain to Diane that she never meant for her to use the data. She and Finn are trying to figure out a way for Kalinda to come clean without Diane getting debarred. Diane storms out and runs and tells Cary what happened to the metadata. David Lee interrupts and tells Diane that they have to go to the police board and come clean before she winds up in jail.

Alicia and Marissa visit Landon, he reassures her that she is not going to have any trouble with the election board and they aren’t taking it seriously. Spencer Randolph interrupts their meeting and announces that he is representing her in the case against the election board – he has volunteered because he is sick of living in a corrupt county and he thinks the election should be over. That night Alicia heads home and finds her daughter sitting in front of the TV watching two news anchors reading her hot and steamy emails to Will Gardiner aloud and mocking her.

Cary pays Kalinda a visit – he begs her to let him represent him in court. She says Finn has it under control and Cary can’t represent her because he “cares too much.” Cary begs her to let him help her, but she refuses.

Parillo goes before the election board and demands a recount after the microchip was found – Alicia and her new lawyer Randolph sit in. Parillo uses diagrams to show how many votes Prady could have lost because of the tampering. Randolph takes the floor and discredits Parillo’s statistic witness. Meanwhile, Wiley is in court before the board of police explaining that the metadata was faked.

Diane and Kalinda arrive with their lawyers – David Lee and Finn. Kalinda explains that she falsified the evidence and Diane has no idea that it was faked. Prima is furious, he runs straight to Geneva Pines and tells her that Kalinda just confessed to the police board that she faked the evidence against him.

At home Alicia’s daughter demands to know if she really had an affair with Will or if it was “just flirtation” like she told the reporters. Alicia admits that she lied because it was none of their business. Grace is obviously upset, she tries to leave an go to her room but Alicia forces her daughter to hug her first.

In front of the Election Board, Parillo is questioning Alicia. He asks her about when Peter announced on live television that she had the election “in the bag,” Parillo points out that Peter was in charge of “safe-guarding the machines” and he thinks that Peter and his team are the ones that placed the microchips in the machines. Afterwards Alicia rushes to Peter’s office and demands to know if he put the microchips in the machines. Peter says he specifically stayed away form the machines, and he put Ernie Nolan in charge of them. Alicia is floored because Nolan tried to bribe her before the election. Alicia visits Nolan and he reveals to her that after she refused to work with him, he donated money to Frank Prady. She realizes that he put the microchips in the voting machines to help Prady and get a recount. Nolan scoffs that Alicia should have just taken his money.

The next day Alicia and Randolph head back to the voting board and Nolan takes the stand – he confirms that he 40 microchips all together planted in the voting machines. Randolph questions Nolan and asks him about the conversation he had with Alicia earlier – he insists that he said no such thing and accuses Alicia of trying to buy him off. Alicia and Randolph reveal that she was wearing a wire during her conversation with Nolan – Alicia plays the conversation from her cell phone.

While it is playing, Nolan walks out of the hearing. While Alicia is at the hearing Kalinda calls her and tells her that she has a photo of the voting machines being tampered with and she needs to call her back ASAP. Meanwhile, Diane and Finn are in court – Geneva Pines is trying to get the judge to charge Diane with tampering with evidence. The judge is overwhelmed by all of the lawyers bickering and different stories – he says they will reconvene tomorrow.

At the election board Hal testifies that the microchip planted in the machine is three years old – it was actually planted back in 2012 and Peter Florrick’s election was faked. Alicia is shocked when she realizes that her lawyer Randolph is exposing her husband’s election. Meanwhile, at her office Diane sits down with Kalinda, Cary, Finn, and Geneva Pines. Geneva spoke to Castro and she has a deal for Diane – they will drop all charges against her if she agrees to testify against Bishop in court.

Eli and Alicia meet with Landon the next day – he informs her that Alicia needs to withdraw from the state’s attorney. Alicia argues that she is innocent – Landon reveals that if the recount goes through then all of the other elections that used the machines will be under question, and the party will lose Senator Tilden. Alicia doesn’t want to step down, he tries to bribe her with another position. Alicia argues that she is not going to be bribed or give up state’s attorney. Landon tells her she doesn’t have a choice and then he has a security guard come in and frisk her to make sure she didn’t record their conversation. The security guard takes her cell phone and tells her that she can have it back in 12 hours – Alicia and Eli are in shock.

Alicia and Eli head to Peter’s office and tell him what happened with Landon. He tells Alicia to call her bluff, and he isn’t worried about his governorship. The election board is meeting tomorrow and Peter has faith that Randolph will win their case.

Cary corners Geneva Pines at court and tells her that Kalinda is going to come to her and try to sell out Bishop to save Diane. He wants Geneva to turn her down. Cary announces he is going to testify against Bishop to save Diane and Kalinda.

At the election board Randolph takes the stage and sells out Alicia – he tells the board that Alicia lied and she planted the microchips and stole the election, he tells the board that she should be forced to step down from state’s attorney ASAP. Alicia chases Randolph out of the room and demands to know how he could sell her out like that –

Randolph tells Alicia to be a good Democrat and step down without anymore issues and promises that the party will take care of her. Alicia breaks down and begins sobbing when Randolph turns his back on her and walks away, and Peter comforts her.

