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Is Jason Momoa Cross Eyed?

As Jason Momoa is becoming increasingly more popular, many more people have been scrutinizing him and the way he looks. Especially wondering if he is cross-eyed or not. 

Though he has never publicly addressed it, Jason Momoa is cross-eyed. He is only slightly cross-eyed though, so many people do not notice. But, with the release of Aquaman in 2018, he has been under much more scrutiny. 

Continue reading to find out more about what it means to be cross eyed and how it affects Jason Momoa. 

What Does it Mean to be Cross Eyed? 

Strabismus is the medical term for cross eyed and is a problem with the way the eye is aligned. This means that both eyes do not look at the same place, at the same time. 

One thing to note is that being cross eyed and having a lazy eye are two different things. The medical term for a lazy eye is amblyopia. There are also various types of strabismus. Momoa seems to have small-angle strabismus, a slight misalignment of the eyes

It is quite rare and only presents in 2% of children and is a treatable condition. It may need surgery to correct as it does not go away on its own, but can also be altered with things like glasses or patching.

Jason Momoa is meant to wear glasses, but is not frequently seen with them. When he hosted Saturday Night Live in 2018, people asked how he made his eyes smolder. 

Momoa responded saying he wasn’t smoldering, he was squinting because he couldn’t see. So, as his strabismus seems subtle, it does not seem like he is taking preventative measures. 

His fans don’t seem to mind his slight cross eye either as they say he is still attractive either way. 

Jason Momoa’s Acting Background 

While Momoa has been acting for a while, he only started to gain a lot of recognition for his role as Khal Drogo in the television series Game of Thrones

That was short lived though as his character was killed off at the end of season one. He then moved onto films, most notably his role as Aquaman in Batman versus Superman: Dawn of Justice. 

This is where more people started to pay attention to Momoa and his looks as fans of DC started to scrutinize the choice of casting Momoa as Aquaman. 

He went on to star in the movie about Aquaman’s origin where he received more scrutiny and people started to realize that he is cross eyed. 

He has since gone on to star in various television shows, including ones that focus on his eyes. This includes the television series Frontier, where Jason Momoa’s character is blind in one eye.

Similarly, Momoa stars in the television series See, where he plays a fully blind character. His role in this series garnered more attention on his eyes, leaving fans questioning if he is in fact cross eyed.

Other Cross Eyed Celebrities 

Though it is a fairly rare condition, there are a good amount of other celebrities with a more prominent cross eye or lazy eye.

Taylor Lautner, who became famous for a similar reason as Jason Momoa: their good looks, is also slightly cross eyed. Similarly, Ryan Gosling is known for playing handsome, starring roles. He is also slightly cross-eyed.

The most well-known celebrity for being cross eyed is Paris Hilton. Her eyes sometimes look in different directions. Even former president of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was slightly cross eyed

Other actors and actresses that are cross eyed include: Russell Crowe, known for his role in Les Misérables, Kristen Bell, known for her role in Frozen and Frozen 2, Denzel Washington, known for his role in The Equalizer and The Equalizer 2

Thus, Jason Momoa is not the only celebrity or actor that is cross eyed or has a slight lazy eye.
