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Jack Black saw his butt on the big screen, plans to lose weight

It seems that it isn’t just women in Hollywood who are under pressure to be slim – Jack Black wants to lose a few pounds after seeing his bare behind on the big screen. I can completely sympathize, I feel the same way after seeing mine in a hand mirror.

“When I saw my rear end in my nude scene in Margot at the Wedding, it actually had a double chin,” he tells “I’ve joined a gym because the next time you see me naked I’ll be trim.”

Although looking good in nude scenes is priority No. 1, health played a factor in the 38-year-old’s decision as well.

“I want to feel good too,” he says. “Now If I eat a cheeseburger and fries, it tastes so good at the time and then right after it’s like, ‘What did I do? Why?’”

OK! Magazine

Rather appropriately, the character that was nude in the film is named Jeff “Fats” Portnoy, who is filming a Vietnam War movie when the director fires him mid-production.

I wasn’t really aware of the fact that Hollywood leading men felt the pressure to be slim, but I’ve heard that the camera adds ten pounds, so I guess it stands to reason you might feel the pressure to look your very fittest. I can’t say that I think it’s great that the men seem to be feeling the pressure too. I’d much rather hear that weight isn’t a concern if you have talent, which isn’t likely to happen.

There does seem to be a double standard, that even female comedians need to be slim and attractive in films. OK! Magazine describe Jack as being ‘lovably rotund’, which is not a description I expect to be given to any Hollywood actress anytime soon.

It’s great to see Jack doing it for his health, all the same. I never feel good after eating fast food, either.

Jack Black is shown at the Australian premiere of Kung Fu Panda yesterday, thanks to WENN.
